Sunday, February 21, 2010

Ready for a Change of Heart

Now that the flights are booked, I have my Visas, and I am thoroughly vaccinated, the reality of my travels hits me. In April, I am off to India & Thailand...Then in August, 3 countries in Africa. I am going to places where there are so many diseases which can make you deathly ill, that I need not only my normally good immune system, but I need 8 shots, 4 pills, a flu mist, 3 booster shots, and 55 malaria pills to safely go there! This reality is only the beginning. I haven't even seen the conditions the people have to live in... like 110 degrees with 100% humidity and no A/C...dirt, disease, desperation.

My life is going to be changed this year, and I am glad. I want God to show Himself to me in a way He never has before. I want my heart to grow bigger. I want to see the world as God sees it. I want the knowledge that I've put into my brain all these years to be applied. Christianity needs to take on a whole new meaning for me. God tells us to love and I want to truly love. I am ready for God to change my heart.

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