Friday, August 20, 2010

9. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

We flew to Addis on Monday and had to wait until Tuesday to reach our destination in Gondar. While in Addis, we wanted to take advantage of the last fast internet we might have for the rest of the trip. Lane tweeted, "Does anyone know of a place to get fast wireless in Addis?" He got several responses, and it sounded like the Sheraton was the winner. So, Lane and I got in a taxi to proceed to the Sheraton. Only problem is that when we got in the car, there was a half-full bottle of Absolut Vodka lying on top of the emergency brake. I pointed it out to Lane and he said, "No, we will get another taxi" and pointed to the Vodka. The guy just laughed as we got out of the car. Alcoholism is a huge problem in Africa, so you never know who is sober around here. Maybe all the taxi drivers were drunk, but at least they hide their flasks in the glove compartment. But this guy was so blatant that we couldn't give him our money. Nor did we knowingly want to risk our lives!

At the Sheraton, I got to Skype with Jack and the girls one last time. I would not have much access to internet in Gondar.

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