Sunday, November 15, 2009

Starting the Journey

As 2010 approaches, I look forward to what God has in store! I embark upon a year of learning about the other half of the population of the world who live on less than $2 per day. I will go to Thailand, India, Zambia, Kenya, and Ethiopia to see how Bright Hope World has partnered with churches in these places to provide rescue, relief, education, and sustainable business to their communities. They are firm believers that the local church needs to lead the way in bringing healing to the community around them through meeting their physical AND spiritual needs. We, here in the states, can help them achieve this goal by giving them start-up money and supplies.

I am realistic enough to know that this year is going to radically change my life. I don't ever expect to be the same again after seeing this kind of poverty. I look forward to sharing my experiences and how American churches can make a huge difference. Not through charity, but through giving the poor a skill, an education, supplies they need to do work and sustain themselves - dignity. I have confidence in God that He is going to do amazing things!

As I heard at Chase Oaks Church this morning... We are powerful people...we have been given much... let's be responsible with what God has given us - both in giving and in spending. It was a blessing to have dinner with Nathan George of Trade as One last night and hear his story. God changed his perspective at about the same age as I now am, and it's cool to see the amazing things God is doing through him. Another story of God moving and his people responding. An inspiration to me.